PAX alerts
Iraq Alert III
Iraqi Stability at Risk: Preventing the pitfalls of the fight against ISIS
May 12, 2016
Recent political crises in Baghdad and Erbil, together with ongoing demonstrations, affirm that the necessity for a more assertive commitment of the international community to address current challenges in Iraq is greater than ever. A comprehensive and coordinated approach with a long-term vision that does not focus exclusively on ISIS-affected areas, but on all of Iraq, is needed.
Iraq Alert II
Support Iraq’s call for good governance and accountable leadership
September 7, 2015
A context-tailored approach towards good governance and accountable leadership is particularly relevant in the areas recently recaptured from ISIS. Fragmentation of the Iraqi state and the dominance of regional players at the national level is a very important obstacle to peace in Iraq. This Iraq Alert stresses the need for inclusive peacebuilding as an essential part of any political strategy. PAX calls for a localised approach on consensus-building and reconciliation in Iraq.
Iraq Alert I
Recapturing Ninewa and Mosul: the need for post-ISIS peacebuilding
March 30, 2015
PAX is highly concerned that there is no peacebuilding strategy to complement military operations combatting ISIS. The US-led coalition against ISIS (the coalition) supports the Iraqi Army and the Kurdish Peshmerga by bombarding ISIS positions, but if the coalition wants the re-conquest of Mosul province to be a step towards a more peaceful Iraq, it must begin preparing a peacebuilding operation now.
Syria & Iraq Alert II
Inclusivity essential to long-term political strategy to counter ISIS
November 20, 2014
In its first policy letter PAX stated that a response to ISIS must be inclusive in character, with a long-term objective of legitimate and responsive governments in Iraq and Syria. In the second policy letter, the Syria and Iraq Alert II, PAX delves further into what inclusivity entails and sets progress markers for the international community to monitor inclusive policy in different sectors as part of the larger political strategy to counter ISIS.
Syria & Iraq Alert I
The need for a comprehensive political strategy to counter ISIS
September 22, 2014
PAX believes that the present predominantly military response of the US-led coalition against ISIS lacks a clear political strategy. A tactical military response that is not part of a comprehensive political strategy will lead to an open-ended military campaign with unclear goals and is doomed to fail. The costs of setting unclear and moving targets are that violence is compounded while victory remains elusive.